Sunday, February 17, 2008

Weekend Update

  • So many people stepped up today to "get off the fence" and give serving a shot. What got me the most was how excited and enthusiastic everybody was just to be a part of a team. It was one of the coolest examples of CCC putting a series into action that I have ever seen. Can't wait to see what happens next week.
  • My favorite moment from Sunday: During one of the worship songs in 2nd service, almost every camera was being run by a person serving for the first time. Who says you can't jump onto a team and begin doing a crucial piece of ministry on the first day???
  • Did you see all those kids serving communion and offering today? That was our CommunityKids ministry in action showing our elementary students the meaning of serving. Another reason our children's ministry is the best around by far!!!
  • As I walked by several teams, I could hear them sharing with their new volunteers the vision of our church and why they serve. From the people you never see to the ones on stage, every single one of them has a role to play in reaching 60,000. I'm so glad to be on the team.
  • Got to do the welcome for the first time in quite a while. The crowd was pumped at all 3 services. It had to be that smokin' version of Salvation Is Here. The band killed that song.
  • YMCA for the prelude! Only at CCC.
  • I talked to a CCCer who had a friend visit for the first time a few weeks ago. They loved it and have been coming back. They live on the west side of the county and just found out we're starting CCC Madras. They were so pumped to know that CCC was coming closer to their neighborhood. It reminded me that the whole time we've been heading toward multi-site, God has been preparing people that He wants to reach on that side of the county. I just know there are so many more that we don't know about yet.
  • Grace is about to get even more scandalous this week. Watch your mailbox this week and you'll see what I mean.

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