Friday, February 27, 2009

Question #1: What about people culturally isolated from Jesus?

Whenever you get into an issue about whether or not a particular person is saved or going to heaven, I believe you should always tread lightly. Because salvation is ultimately decided by God, not me. The Bible does tell us what we must do to be saved and the evidences that indicate salvation. But in the end, the only one who knows with complete certainty is God. So, if people are culturally isolated and never hear the gospel and never get an opportunity to accept Jesus...are they saved? Only God knows that answer for sure.

But from what the Bible teaches, here's what we do know. God is just. God is merciful. God is love. Whatever decision that He makes will, in no way, violate His nature. And from passages like Acts 17:26-27 and Romans 1:19-20 it seems that when revelation about Jesus is limited, God holds a person accountable for what they DO know, not what they DON'T know. I typically explain it this way. God will hold a person accountable for rejecting His gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. You can't reject something that's never been revealed to you.

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