Friday, August 28, 2009

Twitter and blog changes

Assuming somebody still reads the blog and cares...I'm on Twitter. (You can see the latest updates on the left side of this page.) So if you're inclined, feel free to follow me. Can't promise anything interesting but we'll see how it goes. I'll try to post cool stuff going on at CCC and in my life that you might want to know. As far as the blog goes, you can probably see that blogging hasn't been my #1 priority lately. Maybe I haven't had much time or much to write about. But I've been thinking about making some changes here that will give me more excuses to post and maybe even help some other people along the way. It has to do with a spiritual next step I'm working on. I'm still thinking it through but I'll post as soon as I get it all figured out. Stay tuned.


superbeffie said...

I can't believe you've been sucked in by Twitter. My husband will be thrilled.

Jason Collins said...

But not Facebook!!