Sunday, February 24, 2008

Weekend Update

  • I just got back from the very first Hype United at Madras Middle School. This was the first opportunity for the launch team for our new campus to set up their equipment. All I can say is "Wow!!" Lots of students showed up and witnessed an amazing experience. The band was unbelievable. Kelley brought it with his message. And everybody who helped set up, take down and run the event were awesome. If you're going to the Madras campus when it opens or if you're thinking about it, know will be impressed with the quality of the experience this team is going to be presenting over there. I can't express how much fun I had just being a part of it.
  • One more thing I have to admit. I got a little bit jealous of Bill Coffman and his team. Part of me wishes I was going with them. Tonight reminded me of how it felt back when our church was still portable and we would all set it up and take it down every weekend. There was always something special about the relationships that went into that era of our church. I love the hard work and the spirit that exists in the room when everybody's together.
  • We had another great day with people "getting off the fence" and stepping up to serve for the first time. I saw several people coming back for their second time today and becoming a regular part of a serving team. It's not too late to "get off the fence." Call us at the office and we can help you connect to a team. Or go to the CCC website and click "get involved."
  • We started our series "dANGERous" today which is all about anger. If the message today didn't apply to you then you probably aren't breathing. If you missed it, go download it and you'll see what I mean.
  • Invite somebody to church between now and Easter. It's only three weeks away, believe it or not. I just heard a stat that says 82% of the people you invite to church on Easter Sunday will say yes!! Think about that. Your odds rarely get any better than that. So let's get to it!

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