Monday, May 4, 2009

Weekend Update

  • I haven't gotten around to posting one of these in a while. Don't know why. Just busy, I guess.
  • One of the longest Sundays I've had in a while. I was physically exhausted when I got home. Still sore today. Preached 3 times. Then stuck around to set up for the AIDS project. Nearly 13 hours when I finally got home.
  • The AIDS project was a blast. Loved watching entire families work together. It was also cool to see the video showing us precisely where the supplies were going and how they would be used to treat people all over the world.
  • My small group ran the set-up and take down. Very hard work but I don't think I've ever had more fun with those folks. I have really fallen in love with my group since we started back in the fall.
  • While I was there, I spoke to a guy who was working with the national AIDS hotline back in the 80s when the news broke about Magic Johnson contracting the disease. He had a really cool perspective on what we were doing.
  • I can't begin to recall all of the great conversations I've been having from the marriage series. But here's my favorite...
  • After week 2, a wife sent her husband text messages all week long that said "I'm starving!!" (if you don't get it, watch the message) He thanked me.
  • Remember this week's challenge: Spend 7 days asking "How can I serve the needs of my spouse?" Then, whatever the answer is...say it or do it.
  • We saw so many baptisms during this series. Between the 2 campuses I can't remember how many. Most memorable for me was a family of 4. Mom and Dad were baptized, then Mom turned around and baptized her 2 kids. That's what it's all about.
  • This week, we start Identity Theft. We're talking about the lies we believe that steal our identity in Christ.
  • For all you Sharpsburg campus people - we're doing another mission trip to Madras so you can experience portable church. No pressure or obligation but sign up and go. Who knows? You might like it and want to be a part of campus #3!!!
  • We're planning a series in June that includes something we've never done at CCC before. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Enjoy reading your blog! Just an idea, would it be possible to show a video of the Baptisms from the previous services? It could be real quick at the following service just as if someone is getting Baptized in your service. Does that make any sense? One of the cool things about serving is when I do all 3 services I get to see all the action!

Jason Collins said...

That's a great idea, Blake. We've actually discussed doing something similar to that but we don't have the capability of getting the videos cut and edited fast enough to show them the same day. We try to show baptism videos periodically (like on Vision Days) so the whole church can see what God is doing to change lives. Thanks for reading the blog!