Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 62

Luke 17

I've been taught the story of the Samaritan man who turned back to say thanks since I was a kid. And the lesson of the story is simple enough to understand. The thing about it for me is that I now understand that gratitude is something you really learn over time. Saying thanks is one thing. I've been doing that forever. And I've meant it. But I think the more you live and experience and especially the more you know about who God is and what He is constantly doing in your life, you learn what it means to live in gratitude. Every breath, every moment is a gift. Stopping and saying thanks is only the beginning. Gratitude is something I don't think you arrive at. You learn it. You practice it. You live it. And it takes forever.


L. Houston said...

It seems 'entitlement' is the opposite of gratitude. The older I get the more I value the moments where I experience gratitude in my own life. Some of the best times as a parent are when you see moments of gratitude dawning on your children. We all need to position ourselves for God to show it to us more and more.
Love your blog!

Jason Collins said...

L. Houston: Great comment. And thanks for reading!!